Sleeping well is so important

Sleeping well is so important

Posted by Alan Hau on 28th Oct 2017

You have about 8 hours (sometimes less depending on your schedule) to sleep every day, it's essential to make it your best. How many times have you felt tired and zombie-like when you are waking up? When that happens, it impacts your day, and you can't perform your best.

That's why I've created Wooven. One of the best experiences in my life is feeling well rested after a good sleep at a nice hotel. There were a couple of things that gave me the Goldilocks moment:

Lighting (or the lack thereof):

Urbanites just can't stop texting their phones tapping their computers when their bodies are yearning for sleep. All mammals have in-built circadian rhythms, and we keep breaking them. When we do that excessively at night, we disturb melatonin release in our bodies so much that we never fall into deep sleep.


Old beds and bedsheets have a funny smell to them. Guess what? The smell gets to you. Our bodies expel oil and shed dead skin, and they accumulate on our bedsheets and furniture. Wash and change them regularly so you can breathe better. Replace them every 1 to 2 years as the fibers wear out over the years.


Bedsheets are the first thing that comes in contact with our skin. When the fabric feels elegant and crisp, there's an unspoken feeling of luxury and comfort that immediately makes me want to run my arms through and snuggle in them.

Guided with that sensation, I searched high and low for these bedsheets. Forget about affordable; they weren't even at a reasonable price. We don't think it should cost a fortune to have a good sleep, so I went directly to the factory that produced bedding for luxury hotels and voila. Check out our high-quality linens.



這就是我成立 Wooven 的原因。人生中最美好的其中一刻,就是在一間舒適的酒店好好地睡了一覺後,感到無比暢快。有些好處,讓我回味無窮:






